Is Marijuana Addictive? Possibly, But It Depends

So far, 226 physicians in New York state have taken the course and qualified. Oliver Miller’s doctor is among the vast majority who have not, and she says she will not — meaning that, for all Missy Miller’s fighting, her son cannot get the medical marijuana he needs. “It was first introduced in 1997, so it’s been around for a long time,” she says. Missy Miller came across a study showing promise for severely epileptic children who take CBD, a nonpsychoactive, cannabis-based compound, which appeared to reduce the number of seizures in children who weren’t responding to traditional treatments. His desperate parents tried just about everything to find some relief for him. He’s currently on a cocktail of four drugs, plus an IV infusion every three weeks.

Big Weed needs to be reined in just like Big Tobacco was – STAT – STAT

Big Weed needs to be reined in just like Big Tobacco was – STAT.

Posted: Mon, 04 Dec 2023 09:34:12 GMT [source]

These receptors—ordinarily activated by THC-like chemicals produced naturally by the body—are part of the neural communication network, called the endocannabinoid system, which plays an important role in normal brain development and function. At this time, several THC-based drugs have been approved by the FDA to treat pain and nausea. And scientists continue to investigate the medicinal properties of other chemicals found in the cannabis plant, such as cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive compound being studied for its effectiveness in treating pain, pediatric epilepsy and other conditions.

Group Therapy

Now that our nation is revising its approach to this drug, we have an opportunity to do better. But we can prevent the damage from marijuana only if we set firm limits now on a ravenous industry that cares only about profit. Strictly speaking, marijuana use isn’t fully legal across the U.S. yet. But when Montana and Missouri have legalized recreational use and the Senate is debating legal banking for cannabis companies, you know it’s all over but the shouting. Support groups are one of the most popular ways people receive help. There are many support groups available to those who wish to kick their habit.

  • When the law takes effect July 1, using recreational marijuana will be legal and adults 21 and older will be allowed to possess up to one and a half ounces.
  • But instead, to my horror, the legalization freight train rolling across the nation is replacing law enforcement with corporate marketing reminiscent of the tactics of Big Tobacco in the 20th century.
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a drug must have well-defined and measurable ingredients consistent from one unit (such as a pill or injection) to the next.
  • Many people think marijuana use is harmless, especially because it’s a natural product.

Even though you may not be able to prevent marijuana abuse and addiction, there are things you can do to reduce the risk. Accurate diagnosis of mental health disorders and appropriate treatment, including medication, may help to reduce attempts to self-medicate with marijuana. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational enhancement therapy (MET), and contingency management (CM) have all been used in treating cannabis use disorder, and it was found that a combination of all three might be most effective.

Getting support for withdrawal symptoms

In 2012, the THC concentration in marijuana samples confiscated by law enforcement averaged near 15 percent, compared with an average concentration of  four percent in the 1980s. High-potency forms of the drug can expose new users to increased concentrations of THC and greater risk of experiencing adverse or unpredictable reactions. For frequent users, higher potency can increase the risk of marijuana addiction. Dependence on the substance happens when the brain adapts to the drug and the externally produced endocannabinoid neurotransmitters, resulting in a reduced sensitivity to and production of that which is created naturally. Read more about the ABCD study on our Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD Study) webpage.

  • Simply because society has become more accepting of marijuana use doesn’t make it safe for high school and college students.
  • The state aims to begin allowing the sales by the end of next year, not by May.
  • Marijuana Anonymous is one such support group based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Marijuana rehab treats the effects of addiction and helps people rebuild their lives.

I have served as health commissioner for both New York City and Philadelphia, and at one time I had hopes of moving to a public health approach to illegal drugs. But instead, to my horror, the legalization freight train rolling across the nation is replacing law enforcement with corporate marketing reminiscent of the tactics of Big Tobacco in the 20th century. It’s time for us to respond to marijuana now as we belatedly responded to tobacco. Many people who get treatment for Marijuana addiction use behavioral therapy to tackle the psychological aspects of their addiction. The amount of time spent in behavioral therapy varies from person to person but may last roughly 12 weeks.

Cannabis Use Disorder DSM-5 Criteria

The potential consequences of cannabis use disorder are not as severe as with other drugs like opiates, where overdose deaths are a dire concern. But cannabis addiction can cause “a dramatic decrease in quality of life,” said Dr. Christina Brezing, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University. A more recent study conducted in Washington State, where recreational cannabis use is legal, found that 21 percent of people who had used cannabis in the past 30 days qualified as having the disorder. High doses can produce a temporary psychotic reaction in some users. Use of the drug can also worsen the course of illness for patients who have schizophrenia.

Researchers are still studying how long marijuana’s effects last and whether some changes may be permanent. After examining the acute and long-term effects of cannabis, CUD appears to conform to the general patterns of changes described in the Koob and Volkow model of addiction. Previous preclinical and clinical studies indicate that features of the three stages of drug addiction described by Koob and Volkow are also present in cannabis addiction (Fig. ?(Fig.1),1), although these findings may not be as robust as other drugs of abuse. The negative effects of marijuana are not limited to recreational marijuana. Like other medicinal treatments for medical conditions, medicinal marijuana can have negative effects even though it is used to treat medical conditions. People are up to seven times as likely to experience marijuana use disorder when they start using before the age of 18.

How do people use marijuana?

A recent fMRI study investigated whether cannabis use sensitizes and disrupts the mesocorticolimbic reward processes during a hedonic cue-reactivity task. In cannabis users, there were also significant positive correlations between cue-induced self-rated craving for cannabis and BOLD responses within the mesocorticolimbic system and in the insula. The latter data supports the addictive model of cannabis as insula activation may serve as a biomarker to help predict relapse (Filbey et al. 2016). This brain region contributes to interoceptive awareness of negative emotional states and is differentially activated during craving (Koob and Volkow 2016).

Posted in Sober living